Double Your Meetings Generated by Doubling Down on Your Most Important Prospects

Total: 26 minutes

Properly prioritizing contacts is one of the most common gaps in a new SDRs skillset. Most companies fail to prepare outbound teams for effective decision-making for who to reach out to.

When this skill is not trained, SDRs can waste 50% of their time on people who can never become opportunities, no matter how skilled they are at core SDR capabilities.

In this session, Sam Nelson will dive into how this gap happens, how to identify it, and some tactical ways to improve this for yourself. Calibrating contact prioritization is one of the fastest and easiest ways an SDR can improve their number of meetings generated quickly.


Sam Nelson

Founder, Agoge, SDRLeader.com

Jennifer Rhima

Director, Partnerships, Apollo.io

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Gather verified email addresses & phone numbers directly from LinkedIn, reach out, and see when they open your emails.