Age of the Agile Sales Org

Total: 27 minutes

Agility is the number one competitive advantage in today’s market. Sales reps and teams who are agile and continue to evolve will be the ones who continue to thrive moving forward.

In this 25-minute presentation, John talks through the state of Sales today with the advent of AI.

He will provide a tactical framework you can use to align Sales, Marketing and CS with Sales Ready Messaging and helps sales reps evolve into the future sellers we all need them to be while driving results that we can measure and test.

You'll walk away with:

  • Why 43% of buyers want a rep free sales experience
  • Sales Ready Messaging Framework
  • How to align Sales, Marketing, and CS while improving business acumen and driving results


John Barrows

CEO, JB Sales

Now that you learned, time to put it into practice

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