Refer a Friend

Turn referrals into revenue

Love Apollo and want to spread the word? We'll give you a personal link to share via text, email, and social media, then reward you with up to 20% in commission on customer referrals.

How to Refer a Friend

1. Create your link

Enter your email address above and click enter to generate your personal sharing link

2. Refer your network

Copy your personal link and start sharing with your network via social media, email, text and other platforms

3. Earn cash

For everyone who signs up for a paid plan from your link, you'll earn up to 20% in commission

Earn 15% recurring commission on monthly plans for the first 12 months of each paying customer you refer, and earn 20% commission on annual plans for the first year of each paying customer you refer.

Commissions are paid for the first 12 months of your customer's lifetime value.

When you claim your link, you should also receive an email from PartnerStack discussing next steps. PartnerStack allows you to track referrals and if you become eligible for a reward, you will receive an email from PartnerStack, prompting you to “Claim your commission.”

Payments are verified and paid out on the 16th of the month after your commission is earned. For example, any commissions earned in February will be available on March 16th.

The cookies last for 90 days after someone clicks on your referral link. If they click again, the 90 days starts again.

PartnerStack is the platform we use to host our referral program, resources, and manage commissions. This gives you the tools and resources you need to promote Apollo and quickly get rewarded.

I recommend Apollo to all of my clients, and it is a game changer for them. Starting your own business is really about maximizing your time, and Apollo is a great tool to help you do that.

Desmond Legge

Founder of Growth Systemz

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Prospect on LinkedIn

Gather verified email addresses & phone numbers directly from LinkedIn, reach out, and see when they open your emails.