Sales plays, right out of the box
Automate your sales funnel with plays—simple, effective automation to book more meetings and scale success.

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Millions of sellers at over 500,000 companies beat their number with Apollo

Jumpstart your sales plays with best-practice templates

With 21+ plays templates right out of the box, you can easily adopt proven tactics and accelerate your sales success from day one.

Auto-trigger plays off the most accurate lead signals

Automatically trigger sales plays based on new data captured such as buying intent, job changes, headcount growth, and never let a potential lead slip again.

Save time and automate 14+ of your most tedious tasks

Say goodbye to your most time-consuming tasks like list building, adding contacts to sequences, assigning tasks, and updating fields—all can be automated with plays.

Get alerts on lead signals wherever you work

Create alerts sent to your Slack, email, or Apollo’s control center to manually take action on new leads that make perfect new sales opportunities.

3 most-used play templates

Work companies researching your category

When a company starts looking for products or services like yours, reach out ASAP so you can strike while the iron is hot.

End sequences for outdated contacts

When stale contact info is identified, automatically finish those people from all sequences to keep deliverability up.

Call when email is opened or clicked

Instantly contact a lead at the best time—right after they’ve opened or clicked through your email.

Plays allow our team of 5 to operate like a team of 10. On top of being able to automate high-level processes and workloads, we can automate the way our team finds leads and segment them into outreach journeys— so that they can purely focus on crafting the best message to our prospects.

Tim Patag

Sales Development Leader, Merge

Apollo plays have helped us streamline and automate our prospecting efforts and book more meetings. I get to connect with clients in a better and more targeted way. It makes my life easier and helps us grow our revenue.

Nick Stivers

BDR, Jira

Plays have improved my results and reduced my workload, especially for operational tasks like updating CRM or scheduling sequences for re-engagement and unresponsive contacts. I’m freed up to focus on things that are far more important.

Ivan Lendner

Business Dev. & Partnerships Manager, Strike

Start mastering your sales plays with automation today

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Prospect on LinkedIn

Gather verified email addresses & phone numbers directly from LinkedIn, reach out, and see when they open your emails.