Ali Insider #1 AliExpress Product Research Tool for Dropshipping Tue, 16 Jan 2024 15:27:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ali Insider 32 32 157485353 Conversion Rate Optimization – 8 Ways to Build an Effective CRO Strategy Thu, 28 Jan 2021 09:51:28 +0000

AliInsider CRO Strategy

Every online seller is concerned about more store traffic and leads.

But all of your efforts will go down the drain if the traffic doesn’t convert. The conversion doesn’t necessarily mean you get sales as it could be anything – a subscription to your email list, an e-book download, or more. In 2021, no ecommerce strategy will be as effective as a CRO strategy. But, creating a result-driven CRO strategy isn’t as easy as it may sound. Boosting the conversion rate without a solid plan may result in severe consequences for your online business.

Today’s customer journey from brand awareness to conversion may involve many essentials. That is why it’s critical than ever to have a holistic view of the conversion rate optimization to get optimum conversion rates. Today, we’re going to explore eight ways to build an effective CRO strategy to improve your store traffic and conversions. But before that, first, have a quick look at what conversion rate optimization means in the world of ecommerce.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is a process of increasing the percentage of visitors who are genuinely interested in your products and willing to take the desired action. In other words, it’s a systematic process that uses analytics to improve the overall functionality and performance of your website.

Why is CRO important?

There are many reasons why you should create a CRO strategy for your online business. First, the conversion rate is directly proportional to your ROI. It also helps to fight against the limited attention span of your visitors by enabling them to quickly find their required products before they hit a back button and start exploring other options.

What’s a Good Conversion Rate for Your Business?

The answer to this question depends upon your business niche and your target audience. One of the researches conducted by WordStream revealed that a good conversion range hovers anywhere between 2% and 5%.

Conversion Rate Optimization – Process

AliInsider CRO Process

At its fundamental level, the process of conversion rate optimization revolves around determining why your website visitors are not converting and creating a CRO strategy to fix it.

Here are a few things you should consider before you create a CRO strategy for your online business.

  • Make sure the CTA on your home page and landing pages are clear and visible
  • Do not use graphics that are distracting and unclear
  • Focus on the site’s usability. The idea is to provide the best user experience (UX) to your website visitors
  • Implement the best SEO strategies to enhance the visibility of your website in front of search engines
  • Display customer testimonials on your website to build trust and boost conversions

Creating a CRO Strategy in 2021 – The Effective Way!

If you haven’t created a CRO strategy for your business yet, it’s high time you should create one because, without an effective CRO strategy, it would be difficult for your business to build trust and drive conversions.

1. Powerful CTAs and Headlines

The headlines you have on your home page and landing pages are the first things customers see when they visit your store.

A headline is a phrase that concludes your entire sales pitch into a single-line sentence. The purpose of creating interesting headlines is to pique the curiosity of potential customers and offer a solution to their problem.

Little changes to your headlines can have a massive impact on your conversion rates. Brainstorm a few ideas and choose headlines that are clear, concise, and above all unique.

In addition to that, you can also take help from online headline analyzing tools to quickly improve and optimize your headlines.

Similar to headlines, compelling CTAs also encourage buyers to take action. The CTAs on your website should be strategic. Also, you should place them appropriately on your pages to ensure they’re visible to your visitors.

According to Google research, the most suitable position to place CTAs is right above the fold. Again, there are different online tools available that you can use to improve buttons, sales pops, pricing tables, and other types of CTAs on your website.

2. Easy Navigation

Considering the competition we have in the online space, you should work on every aspect of your website design to offer the best user experience. In other words, the simpler your website navigation is, the better you’d be able to attract sales.

Avoid navigation links on your website and A/B test different designs to see which specific design is gaining better conversions.

Create a custom menu that includes simple content. You can also use the best internal linking practices to improve traffic to your landing pages.

Pro tip: If you’re not sure about designing your website on your own, you must choose a theme that covers everything for you. There are many feature-rich themes available for ecommerce platforms that come with customized design options for the users.

3. Fast Loading Time

While many people do not consider the website loading time as a key conversion factor, how can you expect conversions if customers leave your store even before it loads?

Research also suggests that more than 53% of customers abandon an ecommerce website just because it fails to load within 3-seconds.

So, it’s pretty clear that fast loading time is essential for the success of your online business.

There are several things you can do to improve your website speed. Make sure you first evaluate your website speed using any of the available online tools, such as GTmetrix.

Once you have successfully identified the issues, the next step is resolving them using the right strategies.

4. Trust Badges, Verified Payments & Free Shipment

Customers prefer buying from brands that are reliable and trustworthy. One of the proven ways of improving your brand reputation is by building rapport and trust.

You can easily do this by showcasing trust seals, quality certifications, and verification tags that you hold.

Especially, display this information at your checkout page so that buyers can trust your brand and complete their transaction.

In addition to verified badges and trust seals, also display any other incentive you’re offering to your customers. For instance, if there’s a 50% sale on your store or you offer free shipping across the country, just ensure you highlight this information with a CTA at different spots so that buyers can feel confident and quickly make a buying decision.

5. Mobile Optimization

That goes without saying that optimizing your ecommerce store for mobile is more important than ever in 2021.

Today, almost everyone owns a smartphone. A mobile-responsive website means you can target those customers as well who are always on the go. Especially, if you offer products that target millennials in the first place, you have to ensure that your store can easily reach out to them through a mobile-friendly website.

6. High-Quality Content

Brands that invest their time and money on high-quality content can witness better results than websites that steal content from other websites.

Whether it’s in the form of blog posts, product descriptions, or long-form how-to’s or tutorials, make sure you offer premium content to your website visitors.

When people read your content on your website or any other forum, they start considering your brand as a reliable resource that they can trust.

The process starts by conducting keyword research. For this, you can use Google Keyword Planner or Moz to find out the best mix of high volume, medium-volume, and low-volume keywords.

While SEO is the key element of a successful content strategy, you mustn’t overstuff your content with keywords. Remember, your goal is to write for humans and not for search engines.

7. Create Optimized Landing Pages

The biggest mistake online sellers make while creating a CRO strategy is that they direct their entire traffic to their homepage.

Since the homepage is a generic page, your visitors have to invest additional time finding the right products they need.

Instead of attracting traffic to your home page, you should redirect customers to optimized and targeted landing pages. Create dedicated landing pages for every product category available on your website so that potential customers can easily find whatever they’re looking for without making any additional effort.

Also, add relevant CTAs to trigger action and increase sales.

8. Display Customer Reviews and Testimonial

Another useful way of building trust and rapport is through testimonials and customer reviews. These reviews are generally displayed right after the product details so that potential customers can see that everything being pitched is correct.

Research by Nielsen indicates that more than 92% of customers will follow a recommendation from a family member or a friend, and over 70% will trust a review coming from someone they don’t even know.

The idea is if others are satisfied with your products and services, they can help make other prospects convert through their genuine feedback and testimonials.

Pro tip: You can ask your customers to create a custom product review video that you can post on your website to increase conversions. You can also request them to post that review as a UGC on YouTube.

Bonus Tips

Create a Sense of Urgency/Scarcity

One of the proven ways to drive conversions is by creating a sense of urgency. For instance, you can excite customers by offering a deal like ‘Get 70% off on selected products during the next 24-hours’.

The ‘Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)’ will encourage buyers to make a timely buying decision and you’ll witness a noticeable rise in your conversion rate.

Similarly, you can also create a sense of scarcity by announcing that your best-sellers are left limited in stock.

Be Transparent

This is one of the most essential yet often overlooked conversion factors that can help you skyrocket your sales overnight.

Be transparent throughout the process. Avoid giving your prospects surprises in the form of hidden charges during checkout. Be very clear about your pricing and do communicate the total upfront cost including delivery to help buyers know what they can expect.

Transparency not only helps increase conversions but also build a loyal customer base that stays faithful to your brand for a long time.

Use Videos and Images

AliInsider CRO

No matter what your business niche is, capture images and use product videos to help your potential customers see what they can expect from your offer.

Since customers can’t touch and see products as they can in a real-time shopping experience, it’s more critical than ever to provide them with the best user experience. Click high-quality images and optimize them for better conversions.

There you have it – Eight Ways to Build an Effective CRO Strategy. CRO is one of the most essential elements of your ecommerce strategy. If done right, your CRO strategy can generate leads and conversions in no time.

Have questions? Drop them in the comments section below. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Author Bio:

Ricky Hayes is the Co-Founder and Head of Marketing at Debutify – free Shopify theme, helping dropshippers build high-converting stores in minutes. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.

Does the product name define its destiny? 8 tactics to name a product Wed, 01 Apr 2020 14:08:24 +0000

Although it might sound like a small step, naming a product can often be a very tough task in a brand-building process. By creating the product name, you’re also consciously or unconsciously creating the product’s image, price, target audience, associations, and expectations in customers’ minds.

Therefore, using some product naming tips can help you build a brand, position your store on top of the Google search and increase sales.

Ali Insider product name

Disclaimer: Although deep branding studies indicate differences between naming a product and a business, this guide is written in a way to combine mutual characteristics. Thus it can be used for both – naming a product and a dropshipping store. 

What makes a good product name?

There are many theories about what a good name should look like, and most of them are partly right and partly wrong if we take them as an exact formula. That’s because creating a good name takes not only a recipe but creativity, courage, risk, and luck. 

Still, marketing and brand experts agree on some common characteristics that should be considered when creating a name. In the following text, we’ll primarily focus on things necessary for dropshipping brands, taking into account lower budgets and high competition. Having all that in mind, a product name should be:

1. Unique above all

Ali Insider unique name

Once you’ve found a winning product, you’ve created a great ad, and you’ve targeted the right audience, all that’s left is getting your customers to see the ad and buy it. Unluckily, what almost everyone does after seeing an interesting product is not immediately purchasing it but trying to find the same thing at a lower price.

Since no one sane wants to spend his/her money on advertising the products that will be bought from someone else, being the one who appears on top of the Google search results is crucial for the dropshipping success.

By choosing a unique name, you’ll get the advantage of having fewer businesses to compete with for ranking on Google search, which will save you money and attract customers.

After the customer sees your ad and googles the product, you’ll be the only one appearing for that search. That will give them the sense of a strong, reliable brand and the assumption that your store is the only place where they can buy it.

By choosing a unique name, you’ll get the advantage of having fewer businesses to compete with.

Although descriptive product names are more likely to appear when someone types in a keyword for your product, that doesn’t promise you the top 5 places in the search listing. Instead, it ensures an expensive and exhausting battle with the rest of the stores.

Therefore, save the keywords for headers, descriptions, and tag lines, and choose something unique to reduce competition and expenses.

2. Emotional

A name itself should trigger the right emotions and send the right messages to your customers, depending on the type of product you sell and the target group you’re aiming for. Ask yourself – does the name say who it is for? What are its benefits? How should it make you feel?

Ask yourself – does the name say who it is for? What are its benefits? How should it make you feel?

Let’s take the example of Nike. Nike is the name of the Greek goddess of victory. Thus Nike communicates the message of winning, achievement, and success. Following the same principle, Hyundai wanted to present themselves as a futuristic company that strives to provide progress for humanity, so they took a name that stands for “modernity” in the Korean language.

3. Thought-provoking

Ali Insider name the product

Many good names are playful in a way, so they keep customers’ attention and make them solve a little puzzle when they hear it. They are more catchy, amusing, and easier to remember. Still, a too complicated name can have the opposite effect, causing confusion and making it too difficult to recall.

An example of a thought-provoking name is Wiktionary, a compound noun made of two words: Wikipedia and dictionary. The name origin is pretty evident to everyone, still more catchy and amusing than simply calling it Wikipedia dictionary.

4. Suggestive

A name should indicate the purpose of the product. Creating a metaphor in customers’ minds makes it easier to remember and connect with the product. A suggestive name can point out not only the purpose but also the product’s characteristics or benefits.

Examples of good suggestive names are Todoist, Evernote, or Post-it. 

Creating a metaphor in customers’ minds makes it easier to remember and connect with the product.

5. Relevant

Ali Insider product name

Except you have a considerable budget set aside for brand building, try avoiding meaningless words.

They indeed were good choices for some companies like Kodak or IKEA because completely made-up words with no meaning give the brand the privilege to start with a blank page. With no connotations connected with the name, they had a chance to create a brand image as they wanted it to be.

It’s also a plus for trademarking, but we suggest you stick to the relevant names for dropshipping products because it will cost you less and give faster results.

Of course, following all of these characteristics is not a straightforward formula for success, and it’s not such an easy thing to do. Still, you can strive to implement as many as possible in order to increase your ranking and sales eventually.

8 Tactics to create a product name

Ali Insider product-naming tactics

Let’s now take a look at some of the techniques to come up with a great name. We’ve chosen to present the ones suitable for dropshipping businesses – methods that help you create a unique but still meaningful name. You can use just one or combine more of them, and it’s totally up to you – it’s brainstorming time!

1. Blended names

Blended names are developed by combining two words. You can create it by making a list of words that describe your product or can be connected somehow with the product and its functions. Use emotions, benefits, associations, features, and more. Then try to make up a new term by combining two different words.

Create a blended name by combining emotions, benefits, associations, and features that describe your product.

Some of the companies that used blanded words for their names are Microsoft – as the company devoted to microcomputer software, or Pinterest  – combining the words “pin” and “interest.” They could have called their company “pin your interest” as well, but blended names are commonly used because they are more catchy, original, exciting, and easier to remember.

2. Metaphorical names

Metaphorical names use actual words that serve as a metaphor for their brand or product. This method is attractive because symbolic names already have their meaning in language.

“Dove” cosmetics chose this word for their brand because it represents something white, pure, and innocent and symbolizes love and peace. Jeff Bezos named his company “Amazon” after the world’s most voluminous river, indicating the potential for a larger volume of sales in an online bookstore.

Still, have in mind that using metaphorical words isn’t cheap, and it’s often challenging to rank organically on Google, which you should take into consideration when using this naming technique. However, you can use them in combination with some of the other methods or combine them with your company name.

Metaphorical names are expensive and challenging for ranking on Google.

3. Misspelling or twisted names

Get creative and spice it up a bit by using a common word that represents your product or brand but with twisted writing. It’s interesting and original, easier to remember than the word of origin, and practical for Google ranking.

That’s how Lyft got its name as well as Reddit, Fiverr, and Vimeo.

4. Translated names

Look for the name inspiration in other languages as well. In the Latin language, “Volvo” means “I roll,” while the “Lego” name was formed as a combination of the Danish words “leg godt,” which means “play well.”

However, it is essential to do a cross-cultural analysis before launching a product. It may happen that the name you’ve chosen also has a meaning in some other language, which may have a negative connotation and can potentially harm the image of your brand.

Make sure the name doesn’t have a negative connotation in some other language.

Even the big players made this mistake. Honda named their new model Honda Fitta with a slogan, “Small on the outside, big on the inside.” Unfortunately, they discovered too late that “fitta” is the name for female private parts in Sweeden, Norway, and Denmark, costing them thousands of dollars for rebranding.

5. Names with added prefix or suffix

This technique consists of adding a prefix or a suffix to a word that represents the product. Like Shopify or Spotify, Apple also used this technique to name its products iPhone, iPad, and iPod.

You can add prefixes and suffixes arbitrarily or because of the specific meaning or connotations they have. For example, -ex usually signifies “expert” or “excellency,” so we have Rolex, Kleenex, and Windex. Suffixes -elle or -ella are typically used for feminine and gentle products like P&G’s Naturella.

To get inspired, take a look at the top trends of the moment. These days, popular names often end with -ly, -io, -able, -ify…

6. Names from cut words

Opposite to the previous technique, a product name can be formed by removing a part of the longer word that describes it. It can be either a beginning or a word ending. That’s how Excel (from “excellent”) and Acura (from “accurate”) got their names.

7. Rhyming names

Just like 7-Eleven, FireWire, and StubHub sound appealing, using a rhymed name can enhance your success cause human brains easily remember rhymes. Moreover, these names are recognized as funny and unusual, which increases brands’ possibilities to be remembered by customers.

8. Names made of verbs

Running out of nouns that describe your product? Try using a verb instead. It’s different, it’s innovative, and can be very suggestive at the same time. In this manner, Apple named its product “iPod Shuffle” while  Asics named its product line “Gel-Excite.”

4 bonus tips

Sure, creating a good product name is easier said than done, so for the end of this post, we’re giving you give you 4 bonus tips to help you in the brainstorming and decision-making processes in order to come up with a suitable name for your product.

1. Brainstorm like a master

Ali Insider How to name a product

Take a block of sticky-notes, a pen, and a stopwatch. Then try to come up with as many product-related words as you can in 15 minutes. Without evaluating, without judging, write down anything that comes to your mind because there are no stupid ideas in brainstorming!

One of the helpful techniques to generate ideas is Mind mapping. After the time is up, try to create potential product names by using the words you wrote and the naming techniques written in this post. 

2. Write an advertising headline

If the brainstorming from no starting point doesn’t work for you, try writing a headline or a short text that describes your product. Then use the words you mentioned in the text and make a product name by following the techniques written above.

3. Helpful tools

Your best friends in this product-naming process will probably be and Oxford dictionary, which will help you find the synonyms and uncommon words you can use.

Moreover, there are hundreds of different name generators available online. Even if it might happen that you don’t like any of the names they suggested, you can still use their “way of thinking” and generate some ideas and synonyms to create your own product name.

4. Go outside the building!

After brainstorming and generating the top 3 names that you can apply, use the wisdom of the crowd and interview as many people as you can about your name ideas. Approach your family members, friends, and, if possible, real customers of your product, and you’ll see which name fits your product most.

Besides asking a question “Which one do you like more?” ask them about associations the name gives them, how they imagine the product called like that, how much it costs, for whom it is meant, whether it is easy to pronounce and remember, and you’ll see if you’re on the right track.

Let’s get the party started

With all of this being said, it’s time for some hands-on knowledge. You have all the tips and shortcuts that you need and instead of saying “I’m not creative enough,” think of the product-naming as one more skill that you can gain by experimenting and practicing.

Give a name to one product and then to one more, and you’ll see that each of the following will be easier than the previous. For all the questions and feedback on the created names, you know where to find us 😉

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Why micro-niche and one product stores take lead in 2022 Sat, 21 Dec 2019 17:37:47 +0000

It’s 2021 and dropshipping isn’t a new business model anymore. The market is saturated, and it continues to record new online stores each day. Still, claiming that dropshipping is no longer a profitable business is far away from the truth.

People just get disappointed when they see that making a Shopify site, adding 30 products to it, and waiting for the magic to happen, guess what – doesn’t work.

Ali Insider - niche store

Today, with thousands of dropshippers out there selling the same or similar products to yours, it is more than ever important to find a way to differentiate yourself from others and be the one who will draw the attention of potential customers.

That’s where micro-niche and one product stores take the stage.

Creating a micro-niche or one product store gives more than one advantage to dropshippers who decide to put some effort into designing a store like that.

Micro-niche vs. one product store

Micro-niche stores are stores specialized for a specific, smaller group of people. All the products they have in offer are connected with a particular target group’s interest that the seller has chosen.

To make a difference between niche and micro-niche stores, we’ll use the pet products example. Having a store with different products for pets is a bit broad but still a niche store. Specializing only for dogs narrows the target group more than twice, but creating the store specialized for Pugs only, is an example of a micro-niche we’re talking about. In the same way, a niche store with sports equipment can be turned into a micro-niche store intended for cyclists or specified even more for mountain biking fans.

On the other hand, one product stores – stores with just one item sufficient to uphold the whole shop, allow you to focus all your energy and resources into advertising and selling that one product. It only takes to find the right product (the winner) and then make a whole brand around it.

Creating a micro-niche or one product store gives more than one advantage to dropshippers who decide to put some effort into designing a shop like that:

Possibility to build a brand

A store specialized in a specific field gives the customers a feeling that it’s the only or the best place to buy a particular product. It allows you to present your brand as a group of experts for a certain field, gives you a more professional and exclusive look, and makes content creation a lot easier.

We’ve shared 6 crucial tips for brand building in dropshipping in this post.

Connection with the customers

connection with the customers

When you know who your customers are, you know which Social Media channels they use, what kind of content they like, which profiles they follow, their values and interests… you know who you’re talking to. By connecting with your tribe, you won’t be just another store anymore, but someone who gives an additional value and participates in their everyday lives. All that will lead to creating a loyal group of followers and customers.

Creating a solid brand and getting to know your customers will make a significant difference when it comes to the advertising and profitability of your store. You’ll know exactly who your customers are, where to find them, and which content to create. It will help you have a more personalized approach, more effective ads, more conversions, and more sales too.

You’ll know exactly who your customers are, where to find them, and which content to create.

However, the downside of setting a micro-niche or a one product store is the freedom that you lose in testing and experimenting with different products and niches that don’t fit in the concept of the store you created. That’s why it’s completely okay, moreover strongly suggested to spend more time on the research in order to create a store with high profitability.

We’ve broken down this post into two parts to help you find both – micro-niches or THE one product, no matter what you decide to go with. 

What is a good micro-niche for dropshipping

Micro-niche with the high demand

product with a high demand

Many dropshippers search for fresh micro-niches with no competition, which is a logical way of thinking. But if we look from another angle, no competition usually equals no demand, and no demand means no sales.

In this industry, setting the trend and making a new micro-niche popular requires a lot of money and investments. Therefore it is better to leave that job to the “big fishes,” and then just follow existing trends and use the opportunities given. 

By adding the AliInsider extension to your Google Chrome browser, you can easily check what the most popular and most profitable niches at the moment are. Besides the detailed analytics of any product on AliExpess, Ali Insider provides you the list with 30k fastest selling products of the moment. By typing in the name of the niche you are interested in (in the 30k fastest selling products list), you’ll get the number of its average daily sales, average daily dropshipping sales, average daily dropshipping revenue, and the number of products in that niche.

niche analyzer

Micro-niche that gives the solution or triggers the emotions

If you are hesitating about a specific niche, wondering if it is a good pick for dropshipping or not, problem-solving micro-niches are always a good choice. Make a list of possible products and just ask yourself: will those products solve some problems? Do people generally struggle to pack their luggage efficiently or clean the house… Would I help them improve any of that? Do I offer some unusual solutions, rarely available in “offline” stores?

Will this product solve some problems? Do I offer some unusual solutions, rarely available in “offline” stores?

Another option is micro-niches that provoke different emotions. Those niches target people with a specific passion or hobby like pet owners, fishers, musicians, and many others. Unlike in problem-solving niches, products in the passion-niche stores don’t have to be necessary “useful.” A cat owner will certainly go crazy if s/he sees a mug with a cat on it or a ballet dancers when they see a clock counting only 5,6,7, and 8.

Evergreen micro-niches

Looking at the market trends, we can see that from time to time, certain winning products appear on AliExpress and record an enormous number of daily sales and profit, but after a month or so, their sales are beginning to decline. We all went through the fidget spinner mania, and for those who have been there on time, selling those products must have paid off. But selling short-term trends isn’t worth investing in brand creation, learning about the niche, and getting to know your target audience because it won’t take long before you’ll need to switch to another store. That’s why the key to a sustainable store is in searching for constant trends with a permanent demand.

The micro-niche you’re familiar with

That’s why there is no answer to the question: “What niche should I pick?”. It is an individual thing that depends on many factors. A profitable niche for one dropshipper doesn’t have to be profitable for another.

Before deciding on a particular niche, have in mind that you’ll also have to generate niche-specific content; you’ll need to know which products your target audience would like and need, understand their lifestyle and taste. All that will be much easier if you work with the niche you’re familiar with. Don’t get us wrong – you don’t have to be a professional fitness trainer to sell home gym equipment. Still, if you’re at least interested in exercising, you’ll enjoy your job more, you’ll feel more comfortable in that field, and you’ll understand your customers better.

You’ll enjoy your job more, you’ll feel more comfortable in that field, and you’ll understand your customers better.

Appropriate target group size, approachability, and offer

target group

We already talked about the advantages of smaller target groups when it comes to the creation of a community. Still, there have to be enough people interested in a certain micro-niche in order to have enough sales and a successful shop. You can quickly check how big your target audience is by going through other Instagram and Facebook profiles and groups, using the Google Trends tool or Facebook audience insights.

The approachability of a target group matters too. Does your target group use Social Media? Are there specific websites where you can place your ads? Instagram profiles targeting the same group? How easy can you find your target group on Social Media?

Once you have a list of possible niches for dropshipping, you need to be sure there is a decent offer of those products on AliExpress, too, so you can create a store you’re planning.

Which product to pick for a one-product store

With one product store, a tactic is a bit different. You should still build a brand around your store and connect with your customers, but the first task on your checklist should be to find a winning product good enough to be the only and sufficient product for your store. 

Although just finding a winning product isn’t enough to make a successful store, because it also takes time, effort, creativity, marketing, and sales skills, some characteristics are typical for most of the winning products. You can use them as indicators to check if you are walking on the right path.

Common characteristics that winning products have and things that you should consider first when searching for one:

  • Problem-solving

With problem-solving products, you offer your customers value by meeting a real need or giving a better solution than existing alternatives. When people see an ad that aims directly to the core of their problem, it’s much easier for them to make a decision that is supported by reasoning.

  • Exclusivity

The potential winning product shouldn’t be widely available and easy to get offline. That’s why typical winning products have some unusual characteristics, something new and unique for that type of product.

  • Wow factor

A winning product should be able to say everything just in a couple of seconds – why you need it and what is so special and unique about it. It should stop you, impress you, and make you say – WOW, I want it.

  • Profitability

When setting a price, a quick checklist should include:

-Cost of the product and additional expenses

-The perceived value of the product

-The purchasing power of a target market

-Competition prices.

If you’re looking for deeper insights on finding a winning product and tools that can help you in it, check out our post Winning products hunt in 2021: how to spot them first.

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